Friday, January 13, 2012

Jersey Shore

I started off really liking Jersey Shore.  I suspended disbelief, and imagined people really could be this stupid, know it, and not be ashamed.  I've watched every episode.  That's not something I'm proud to say.  Some friends of mine turned it into a weekly group activity; this justified watching the show somehow.  However now I'm really starting to feel duped.  Every episode this show starts to feel more and more scripted.  I'll see what happens this season and then be done.  Also, since no one has voted in the current poll, I am going to change it and see what you all think or if you even care.  See you on the flip side.



  1. I've seen about 15 minutes of one episode, and I'm not sure what you're supposed to like about it, but I just kept laughing at their ridiculous expressions and actions. It was actually really great in that regard. And of course it's scripted you wont find a show that isn't.

  2. Jersey Shore was fun to watch just for the sheer absurdity. It's like watching a massive pileup on the highway that you just can't pry your eyes from, I think.

  3. Never seen an episode, never plan to.

  4. i havent watched it yet either, but i think i will! good job following.

  5. It's my guilty pleasure. Shame on me.
